High Holidays with Gan HaLev
2024 / 5785
A New Year - A New Beginning
Contemplating the past year, with our Hopes and Prayers for the New Year
We invite you to join us for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services
Outdoors at the Redwood Grove Picnic Area, Samuel P. Taylor Park
As part of our services, we invite community members to participate by sharing their personal thoughts or offering a reading during the services. If you would like to participate, please e-mail Davo Knepler nuevodavos@yahoo.com
High Holiday Schedule
Erev Rosh Hashanah - Wednesday October 2, 3:30 pm
Following the service there will be a light Kiddush - challah, apples and honey, wine and grape juice
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service, Thursday, October 3, 10:30 am
Separate program for families with young children will begin at 11:45 am
A potluck lunch and Tashlich will follow the morning service. If you are staying for lunch, bring your dish to share ready-to-serve. Also bring your own plates, cups, cutlery, beverages, etc. and a table cloth if you can.
Yom Kippur Kol Nidre
Friday, October 11, 3:30 pm
Yom Kippur
Saturday, October 12, 10:30 am
Yizkor 12:30 pm (approx.)
E-mail suzanne@ganhalev.org to let us know which services you are planning to attend
Samuel P. Taylor Park Redwood Grove Group Picnic area
Group picnic entrance is at main entrance. There is free parking for the first 20 vehicles to arrive. For later arrivals there is a parking fee of $8 per vehicle or $7 for seniors. Follow the road and make a left turn at the bridge to the group picnic area
All services will be outdoors. Check the weather and dress accordingly.
Please bring your own chairs to all the services, as there will be limited available seating.
After our services we are invited to stay at the park as long as we like until sundown. Bring musical instruments if you would like to sing a bit after Tashlich.
There is no fee, to attend the services. Donations are gratefully accepted.
(Gan HaLev donates 10% of our income to local charities and nonprofits).
And check your e-mail the day of each event to see if there are any last minute changes due to Covid or climate or weather conditions.
We look forward to seeing you!